Published- April 27th 2010
Publisher- Walker and Company
Pages- 324 pages (Paperback)
This is the 2nd novel in the Perfect Chemistry trilogy. In my opinion this was a brilliant novel just like Perfect Chemistry. It tells the romance story between Carlos Fuentes and Kiara Westford. This novel kind of starts the same way that Perfect Chemistry did in the way that Carlos and Kiara start off hating each other and then they start developing feelings for each other. The story finishes with a chapter which is 26 years in the future so you find out what happens for Kiara and Carlos in the future.
This trilogy of novels keep you gripped until the very last page as you just want to keep reading to find out if Kiara and Carlos become a couple. Kiara is a girl from a rich family, whereas Carlos is a poor guy who is just like his brother Alex in many ways. Carlos wants to be in a gang, he's a hardman, likes fixing cars and is a mystery to others. Carlos and Kiara have their lives changed forever when Carlos comes to live with the Westford family after something (I can't say what as it would spoil the story) happens to him.
Kiara is a really good main female character as she has a lot of males traits about her. For example, she likes fixing cars, climbing mountains and doing fun/daring challenges. She starts off innocent (like Brittany), but Carlos makes her come out of her shell. Carlos is also an irresistible male character (like Alex) as he is a mystery to women, but in the end he would do anything for the woman he loves.
Overall, this novel shows how this couple decides their own future and battle through the challenges standing in their path. Throughout the whole novel challenges are coming for every angle and Carlos and Kiara have to try and get through them whether that be together or alone. This is definitely a novel everyone needs to read if you love romance novels or just loved Perfect Chemistry. I give this book a rating of 5 out of 5 stars as it was a fantastic novel. Chain Reaction is book 3 in the trilogy and it focuses on Alex and Carlos' younger brother Luis.
Rating 5/5