Made For You by Melissa Marr
Published- 26th March 2015
Publisher- Harper Collins Children's Books
Pages- 336 pages (paperback)
Eva Tilling was almost killed when she was hit by a car. Who would want to try to kill her and why? When she wakes up she starts getting visions of her friends dying, but then people start actually dying. Why are these people being killed, who is killing them and what has it got to do with Eva?
Overall, this was a good novel with lots of action towards the end of the novel. It did start really slowly, but it picked up more a third of the way through the book. However, halfway through the book I did guess who the killer was so I wasn't really that shocked at the end of the novel. To find out who the killer is you have to read the novel. All of the characters were really likeable, but there were some I didn't feel that fondly towards.
One of the girls was not a likeable character because of some of her actions and another was a bit of a gossip. Out of the male characters my favourite was Nate as he would do anything for his family and friends no matter the cost. My favourite female characters were Eva and Grace. I liked them because they were brave, smart, cared about everyone except themselves and wanted to do whatever they could to stop the killer from killing anyone else.
This is the first Melissa Marr book I have read and I really enjoyed it. My only wish was that there was more action throughout the book as it did drag in places, so reading it was quite slow. When stories are slow I feel like I don't enjoy them as much. However, this was still an enjoyable read even if I do wish it was more fast paced and action packed. The writing was very descriptive throughout and everything was explained so you weren't left with questions which you didn't have the answers to. Following this book I would like to read more Melissa Marr books in the future. Overall, I give this book 4 out of 5 hearts. A must read if you love Melissa Marr's previous books.
Rating 4/5