Just in case you do not know then The Fault In Our Stars is about Hazel Grace and Augustus who both have different forms of cancer. This novel/film follows their journey from meeting at support group, to falling in love, going to Amsterdam and everything that happens thereafter. This review will be about the movie of TFIOS not the novel.
I found that this film stayed very true to the novel. They included all the scenes I loved from the novel such as the cigarette as a metaphor, the trip to the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam and them throwing eggs at Isaac's ex-girlfriends car after he goes blind. This film was made how everyone would have imagined it in their heads. It was really sweet how Augustus and Hazel's word to show their love for each other was 'okay', just like Isaac and his ex's 'always'. For the novel it made me cry when Augustus died. However, for the film I was crying from when Augustus told Hazel his cancer had come back and he was dying whilst on their last day in Amsterdam.
Ansel Elgort was the perfect Augustus. He made the character his own by portraying the different sides of Augustus's character such as his charming side, his protective side, his sense of humour and the way he always tried to see the positive side of life like whilst he was attending his own pre-funeral with Hazel and Isaac. Ansel went from playing Shailene's brother to her boyfriend (Divergent and TFIOS). Augustus had some really funny lines in this film such as when he was talking to Hazel's dad about his leg- 'it's a great weight loss strategy'.
Likewise, Shailene Woodley was the perfect Hazel Grace. She portrayed Hazel's braveness, how she would do anything for Augustus and also how she didn't want to hurt the people she loved were she to die. For example, Hazel said she was a grenade who could explode and hurt everyone she loves. When Augustus died you could see that Hazel was absolutely heartbroken and she was madly in love with him. Even though it can be hard to portray someone with a terminal illness Shailene Woodley did this brilliantly through her emotions, facial features and the way she said all her lines.
As for support cast Nat Wolff was brilliant as Isaac. He portrayed lots of emotions and just wanted to see the positive side to his illness. Even after he went blind he was still a great character as he would do anything for his friends and just wanted to move on with his life. Willem Defoe as Peter Van Houten was the all round bad guy. After inviting Augustus and Hazel to Amsterdam he just bad mouthed them the entire time they were at his house. Then he turned up at Augustus's funeral partly drunk. Although, that was at Augustus's request so he could give Hazel the eulogy which Augustus wrote for her.
There were lots of scenes within this film which really made me laugh. Such as Isaac smashing up the trophies in the basement, Augustus talking about his leg to Hazel's dad and Augustus never having been on a plane before. It was so sweet seeing Augustus on a plane for the first time as he had some great lines during that scene. However, they didn't include the scene from the novel where Hazel and Augustus go to his house to watch the film V For Vendetta after Augustus says Hazel looks like the main character in that film.
Overall, this was a perfect film and stayed very true to the book. I loved this film a lot more than I thought I would. I thought I would be crying the entire film as it is based on a cancer storyline, which can affect lots of people. However, I found myself laughing a lot during this film and that was because of Augustus and his character. My rating for this film is an A. I loved it and if you loved the novel then definitely go grab a copy of this DVD and watch it right now.
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