Scream Queens is about a serial killer named the Red Devil targeting students in Wallace University, especially those in the sorority Kappa Kappa Tau. However, in the end it turns out that there were 2 or more Red Devil killers hunting the university. Throughout the whole series anyone could have turned out to be one of the killers, but there were lots of clues to help you try to figure out who the killers could be. I managed to guess that Boone was one of the killers when in episode 2 he faked his own death. However, I never guessed that Hester would turn out to be one of the killers. I always thought the killer would turn out to be one of the main Chanels, either Chanel 3 or 5. I got that totally wrong in the end. I also did not guess who the father of the babies in the bathtub was. However, I did guess that Gigi was the boss who was in charge of the Red Devil killers and she was also the Hag of Shady Lane who looked after the babies in the bathtub.
There were quite a lot of gruesome death scenes featured throughout this series. For example, one of the twins being killed with a staple gun, or Deaf Taylor Swift having her head decapitated by a lawnmower. It was kept interesting though as you never knew who the killers were going to go after next or why they were targeting these people in particular. However, it was easy to guess that Boone killed Earl Grey because Boone fancied Zayday and Earl was her boyfriend. The episode where Dean Munsch killed her ex-husband and framed his girlfriend was not my favourite episode. I found that episode kind of irrelevant in my opinion as it had nothing to actually do with the Red Devil killers or who they could be.
The characters throughout this series were great as they each had their own different quirks and characteristics. There was different things for each character which meant that they could have been the killer. For example, Chanel 3 (Billie Lourd) is completely vain and doesn't really care about anything. In the last episode when the Chanel's were arrested she was more interested in the good looking policemen than what was actually happening. She also didn't care when they were told they were being sent to the asylum as she looked happy about it and loved people pointing cameras at her when they were lead away. The police officers were completely useless throughout the whole series which added to the comedy element of the show. They couldn't find any clues for any of the murders and they never found the actual killers.
Grace was a great character as she just wanted to find out who the killers were and why people in Kappa Kappa Tau were being targeted. Chanel 5 annoyed me a lot of the time as she was always moaning or crying or just being hysterical. Chad was a bit annoying at times aswell, but I've been told that he is a fan favourite with viewer's of the show. I thought Pete would be one of the good guys, but it turns out he wasn't. I really liked Chanel Oberlin as even though she bossed everyone around, she still just wanted her friends to be safe and she was brave and feisty aswell. Some of the script added to the comedy element of the show aswell as some of the lines were really stupid and not believable.
The episode where the killer was revealed was quite a good episode. Hester paying the parents so they would basically disown their children was quite a smart move by someone so deranged and psychotic. The only thing that annoyed me was the way Chanel 3 acted when they were lead away by police, when they were in court and when they were lead away to the asylum. It was great to find out what Hester's life was like before she started at the university, why she did what she did and why she chose her particular victims. However, we did find out that she never actually killed the many victims except Pete. We also find out why she decided to leave Grace and Zayday alive. For one thing Grace is her half sister and Zayday was always really nice to her unlike the Chanel's. I also liked how the episode ended on a cliffhanger with the Red Devil standing over Chanel in the asylum with a knife. Chanel could have been hallucinating that event or the Red Devil (Hester) just wanted to scare Chanel, I doubt she was murdered in the asylum.
People will love this series because it is a mixture of comedy, horror and a thriller. It has the horror element with who is the killer, the death scenes and the scare factor. The comedy comes from some of the script, some of the death scenes and the failure of the police department. Definitely watch this if you love films like the Scream films or the Scary Movie films. Details have been released that Season 2 is going ahead and it will be set in the asylum where the Chanel's are currently being held. Cast who have signed up for Season 2 include so far everyone except Oliver Hudson who plays Wes Gardner. The crew have announced that the cast will be playing the same characters as they did in Season 1, unlike American Horror Story where cast plays different characters each season. Will be great to see if Season 2 is anything like the first season when it is released onto TV screens later this year or early next year hopefully.