Monday, 25 January 2016

The Walking Dead The Fall of the Governor Part 2

The Walking Dead The Fall of the Governor by Robert Kirkman

Published- 4th March 2014
Publisher- Thomas Dunne Books
Pages- 288 pages (paperback)


It's the final showdown between The Governor and Rick Grimes, but who will come out on top and be the one who survives? What will happen to Lilly, Austin and the rest of the Woodsbury townsfolk? Will anyone be left alive after the final showdown or will they all be turned into zombies?

The last novel ended with Michonne torturing the Governor and leaving him to die. Rick, Glenn, Alice, Martinez and Michonne escaped from Woodbury, but did they make it back to the prison alive. Of course they did, all except Doc Stevens who was killed by a zombie in the last novel. However, Martinez was being used as the Governor's spy to find out where the prison was so Woodbury could go and take it from them. We also found out in the last novel that Lilly is pregnant, but you will have to read the novel to find out what happens to her and the baby.

If you have read the graphic novels then you will know who lives and who dies in the battle at the prison when the Governor arrives there. The most tragic death in my opinion was when Lori and her baby died. Lori was carrying the baby when Lilly shot and killed her, so Lori ended up killing the baby by landing on top of her. Lilly was devastated when she found out she had killed a poor innocent baby. 

Lilly came out of her shell more in this novel and became more of a leader to the town of Woodbury whilst the Governor was out of action recovering. I also liked Austin as her would do anything for Lilly and he wanted to prove that he wasn't a wimp and sacred throughout a lot of this novel. The Governor really proved he was evil when he executed Tyreese by decapitating him in front of everyone in the prison. 

This novel was filled with lots of action and fighting scenes, just like there are within the graphic novels. Some of the scenes were quite descriptive and filled with lots of terrifying images. These images included the torture done to the Governor by Michonne and all the killings within the prison battle. If you don't like zombie novels or novels where humans can die quite violently then this is definitely not the novel for you.

Overall, I give this novel 5/5 stars. This was a good ending to the Governor's leadership in the town of Woodbury. The novel was very action packed and easy to read. It contained lots of description and was quite fast paced. It did start quite slow as there was not much action within the start of the novel, but it picked up towards the middle of the novel. A definite must read if you loved the other Walking Dead novels, or you love the graphic novels or you just love the Walking Dead TV show.

                               Rating 5/5
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