Alma Turner's daughter, Felicity, has gone missing and no one knows where she has gone or if something has happened to her. Felicity is also Kate Shackleton's goddaughter. Jack Phillips has also been murdered, but who murdered him and why? What secrets are the people living in Whitby hiding and why don't they want the police to find out?
This was quite a good novel, but it was quite a slow paced novel in a lot of areas. There wasn't much action throughout this novel and I did guess halfway through who the killer would turn out to be. So at the end it wasn't much of a surprise to me when the killer was finally revealed. The main action came when Kate discovered the body in the jewelers shop backroom. The language was very easy to read though but some parts were old writing as it was set in the 1920s.
Kate was a good character as she would do anything she could to get to the truth of the situation. She didn't want an innocent person to go to jail for a crime they did not commit. She was a searcher for the truth. Jim Sykes was also a great character as he didn't want an innocent person to be jailed either. Alma Turner sometimes annoyed me as she wasn't doing much to search for her daughter. She just stayed at home and waited for people to find her daughter for her.
As the action was so slow paced within this novel it did take me a while to read, but it made it more enjoyable as I was getting through it. I did wish there was more action though throughout the novel as then I would have enjoyed reading it a lot more. The characters were the main reason I kept reading this novel as a lot of them were likable, but some did annoy me a bit. It also annoyed me that the police didn't seem to be doing much of a job to find the murderer or to find Felicity. Kate seemed to be doing more investigating than the actual police themselves.
Overall, I gave this novel 3/5 stars as it was quite a slow read and my only enjoyment came from the characters and guessing who the murderer was. As I guessed the killer within the middle part of the novel I had to mark it down. Plus, because of the lack of action that was another reason I had to mark the novel down. Apart from those two matters I did enjoy reading this novel and will definitely be reading more from the Kate Shackleton novels in future.
Rating 3/5

Kate was a good character as she would do anything she could to get to the truth of the situation. She didn't want an innocent person to go to jail for a crime they did not commit. She was a searcher for the truth. Jim Sykes was also a great character as he didn't want an innocent person to be jailed either. Alma Turner sometimes annoyed me as she wasn't doing much to search for her daughter. She just stayed at home and waited for people to find her daughter for her.
As the action was so slow paced within this novel it did take me a while to read, but it made it more enjoyable as I was getting through it. I did wish there was more action though throughout the novel as then I would have enjoyed reading it a lot more. The characters were the main reason I kept reading this novel as a lot of them were likable, but some did annoy me a bit. It also annoyed me that the police didn't seem to be doing much of a job to find the murderer or to find Felicity. Kate seemed to be doing more investigating than the actual police themselves.
Overall, I gave this novel 3/5 stars as it was quite a slow read and my only enjoyment came from the characters and guessing who the murderer was. As I guessed the killer within the middle part of the novel I had to mark it down. Plus, because of the lack of action that was another reason I had to mark the novel down. Apart from those two matters I did enjoy reading this novel and will definitely be reading more from the Kate Shackleton novels in future.
Rating 3/5
Great review! :D